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TYBSci (Hospitality Studies)- SEM V


Question Bank
All banqueting terms are important –
For Fill In The Blanks, Match Pairs and Definitions.( i.e. For question 1.)
Long Answers
1. Name the three elements of cost and explain any one.
2. Give the objectives of a good layout at food and beverage outlets.
3. Draw a proforma of a function prospectus.(BEO)
4. Write duties and responsibilities on Banquet Secretary.
5. Draw the hierarchy of F & B department in five star hotels.
6. Explain Personal property policy and guarantee policy in banquets.
7. List and explain types of Banquets.
8. What is Buffet? Explain stand up buffet and its types in detail.
9. Draw “T” & “X” Shape buffet set up and give a short explanation.
10. What are the advantages & disadvantages of Buffet?
11. What is the importance of considering people space while planning the buffet?
12. What is the role of Housekeeping Dept. in banquet before, during and after anyevent?
13. List 10 buffet equipment and their uses.
14. What are the constraints of menu planning?
15. List down various events take place in banquet & explain any one in detail..
16. What are the Factors to be considered while planning and purchasing furniture for Food and beverage outlet?
17. Define Menu. What are the principles of menu planning?
18. List types of cost groups and explain any one in detail.
19. Write duties and responsibilities on Assistant Banquet Manager.
20. Explain Smoking policy and Closing policy in banquets.
21. Explain the Function Book in detail.
22. Write Definition, History & Importance of Banquets?
23. What are the guidelines should be followed while Toast-Making?
24. Explain the term Congress & Conference in detail?
25. Explain different department’s role in banquets before the function starts.
26. What is Buffet? Explain Sit-Down buffet and its types in detail.
27. Draw & explain any five types of seating arrangement used in Meeting Room?
28. What is the importance of considering Decoration for the buffet while planning the buffet?
29. Plan a brunch buffet menu for 100 pax
30. What is the role of Kitchen Dept. in banquet before, during and after any event?
31. List down various types of meals served on buffet & explain anyone in detail?
32. Write duties and responsibilities of Banquet Manager.
33. Explain Cancellation and Private Property policy in banquets
34. Explain banquet protocol in detail.
35. List down the checklist of information that needs to be included in “Contract of Agreement”.
36. Draw “8” & “H” Shape buffet set up and give a short explanation.
37. What are the advantages & disadvantages of Buffet?
38. What is the role of Maintenance Dept. in banquet before, during and after any event?
39. Write a note on-
a) Planning of Staff requirements in F & B Outlets.
b) Breakeven / Cost volume profit analysis.
c) Political parliamentary delegation meets.
d) Function sheet.
e) Airline catering
f) Out Door Catering
g) Railway & Industrial Catering
h) Porter & Banquet Headwaiter.
i) Marine Catering.

My Dear Students,
The questions given in the QUESTION BANK are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely only on these questions. Students should also refer other questions to get the maximum marks.

Best of Luck for your Exams.