Foundation Course IV : Ethics & Governance
Question Bank
15/7/8 Marks questions:
1. Define Ethics? Explain the objectives and importance of ethics?
2. Difference between Ethics and Law?
3. What do you mean by Ethics? Explain scope and types of ethics?
4. Define Business Ethics? Explain the need and objectives of business ethics?
5. Explain the scope of business ethics? (April 2018)
6. Elaborate ethical dilemmas in Marketing?
7. What is ethics in Advertising? Elaborate ethical issues in advertising. (April ’18)
8. Discuss unethical marketing practices followed by scrupulous companies.
9. Explain different ways of unethical practices in Advertising.(April & Oct ’18)
10. Discuss the traits of ethical finance manager. (Oct ’18)
11. Discuss ethical responsibilities of a member as a Tax practitioner.
12. Define Corporate Crimes and white collar crime? Explain its types
13. Enumerate the recent policy taken by SEBI for ensuring better governance in companies.
14. Explain the role of HR in promoting ethics.
15. What do you mean by Workplace ethics? Explain the advantages of it. (Apil’18)
16. How can leaders practice ethical leadership?
17. Define Corporate Governance? Explain the objectives of CG. (April ’18)
18. What are the major issues and emerging trends in corporate governance? (Oct’18)
19. Define Corporate Governance? Explain various theories/Models of CG. (Oct’ 18)
20. Define CSR? Explain the need and challenges of CSR.
21. What do you mean by CSR? Explain the various steps in CSR strategies.
22. Define Social Accounting? Explain objectives and measures of social accounting.
23. Discuss recent trends of CSR.
24. Explain the benefits of Corporate governance to business, organisation and to other parties?
25. Explain the role of Government in ensuring business ethics/steps to improve ethical performance of the business. (Oct’18)
Short Notes for 5 Marks:
1. 3 C’s of Business ethics
2. Cybernetic ethics/insider trading
3. Difference between Tax avoidance and tax evasion (Oct ’18)
4. Features of workplace ethics (Apil’18)
5. 4V Model of ethical leadership
6. 4 P’s of Corporate Governance/Triple Bottom line
7. Core principles of Corporate Governance
8. Scope/types of CSR.
9. Sachar Committee/Cadbury committee
10. Scope/Steps of social accounting
11. CSR applicability and its activities.
12. Recent trends in CSR.
The above Question Bank is provided by, Prof. Abhilasha N. Assistant Professor, Accounting and Finance Mulund College of Commerce, Mulund Prof. Abhilasha N. has more than 5 years of Experience in Academics. |
My Dear Students,
The questions given in the QUESTION BANK are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely only on these questions. Students should also refer other questions to get the maximum marks.
Best of Luck for your Exams.
Unit 11. Define MIS. Enlist and explain objective of MIS.
2. Explain any seven applications of DSS.
3. Explain any four functional subsystems of MIS with suitable example.
4. Explain financial MIS and Marketing MIS in detail.
5. What are the characteristics of MIS? Explain at least six details.
6. What are different component of DSS? Enlist and explain role of each in brief.
7. Explain Activity subsystem of MIS with suitable example.
8. List and Explain important characteristics of DSS.
9. State and explain the reasons of failure of MIS.
10. Explain the classification of DSS in detail.
Unit 2
1. Define ERP. State and explain any seven features of ERP.
2. State and explain the technologies that are useful in e-CRM implementation.
3. Draw and explain e-SCM chain architecture with suitable diagram.
4. State and explain the advantages of e-CRM.
5. What are the generic modules of ERP? Explain any four in detail.
6. Explain the impact of privacy issues on e-CRM in detail.
7. Draw and Explain ERP Lifecycle in detail.
8. Enlist and Explain any four application of ERP.
9. Explain Customer Lifecycle with suitable diagram.
10. State and explain the major trends in e-SCM.
11. State and Explain different components of e-SCM.
Unit 3
1. Enlist and explain different characteristics of data warehouse.
2. State and explain various techniques used in data mining
3. State and explain importance of data warehouse to an organization.
4. State and explain the major functions performed by data warehouse.
5. What do you mean by data mining? Explain process flow of data mining in detail.
6. What is DBMS? Why do we need database? Explain with example.
7. Explain Database Schema and Data Independence in detail.
8. Draw and Explain data warehouse architecture.
9. Distinguish between data warehouse and data mining (7 Points Each).
10. State and explain importance of data warehouse to an organization.
Unit 4
1. State and explain any four need of outsourcing.
2. Explain various BPO Business Model.
3. Explain the challenges faced by KPO industry in detail.
4. Explain Business Process Outsourcing with suitable example.
5. Compare and Contrast BPO and ITO (7 Points Each).
6. Draw and Explain the Process of BPO in detail.
7. State and Explain various example of BPO Services.
8. What are the benefits of BPO? Explain at least eight benefits.
9. What are the benefits of using cloud computing? Explain at least seven benefits.
10. State and explain scope of outsourcing with an example.
11. Distinguish between traditional outsourcing and cloud computing (7 points each).
Short Notes QB
1. Application of DSS2. SAP
3. ‘Queries in Data Warehouse
4. Working of BPO
5. Structure of MIS
6. Human Resource Management MIS.
7. Oracle App
8. DBMS Keys
9. Types of BPO w.r.t operational features
10. Benefits of DSS
11. MIS vs. DSS
12. People Soft
13. DBMS record, field, column, attribute and table
14. Cloud computing service model
15. Manufacturing MIS
The above Question Bank is provided by, Prof. Savita Bodke. Founder of ScoreAchievers.Com MMS (Finance), M.Com (Accountancy), M.A (Economics), DFM, DBM, DTM, DBF, CPCM, NCFM, NISM. |
Visit our YouTube Channel – Savita Bodke for the lectures of SYBMS. Link - In case of any further guidance students can contact me on my WhatsApp Number – (+91) 73048 98711 Link – +917304898711 |
Quick Revision Series of Economic For SYBMS, SYBBI, SYBFM, SYBIM.
Question Bank
1 Introduction to Macroeconomic Data and Theory
1. What is Macroeconomics? Discuss the Scope and Importance of Macroeconomics.
2. Discuss the closed and open economy models of Circular flow of income
3. Write a short note on - conventional and Green GNP and NNP concepts.
4. State the Relationship between National Income and Economic Welfare.
5. Discuss the Features and Phases of Trade Cycles.
6. Elaborate the Keynesian Principle of Effective Demand.
2 Money, Inflation and Monetary Policy
1. What are the Determinants of Money Supply? Also state the Factors influencing Velocity of Circulation of Money
2. Discuss in detail the Classical and Keynesian approaches.
3. Elaborate the Keynes’ liquidity preference theory of interest.
4. Write a short note on Money and prices.
5. Discuss in detail the Demand Pull Inflation and Cost Push Inflation.
6. What is monetary policy? State the objectives and instruments of Monetary Policy.
3 Constituents of Fiscal Policy
1. Discuss the Role of a Government to provide Public goods.
2. What is Fiscal Policy? State the Objectives of Contra cyclical Fiscal Policy and Discretionary Fiscal Policy
3. Write a short note on - Canons of taxation.
4. What are the Factors influencing incidence of taxation?
5. State the Effects of taxation.
6. Discuss in detail the -Public Debt.
7. Write a short note on –Union budget.
4 Open Economy: Theory and Issues of International Trade
1. Elaborate the Ricardo’s Theory of comparative cost advantage.
2. Discuss the Heckscher – Ohlin theory of factor endowments.
3. What are terms of trade? State the Factors determining terms of trade.
4. Write a short note on -Foreign Direct Investment.
5. Write down the Merits of Foreign Direct Investment.
6. Discuss the Role of Multinational corporations.
7. Write a short note on - Balance of Payments. Write a short note on - Foreign Exchange and foreign exchange market.
8. Discuss the concepts of Hedging, Speculation and Arbitrage
9. Write a short note on -Fixed and Flexible exchange rates.
My Dear Students,
The questions given in the QUESTION BANK are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely only on these questions. Students should also refer other questions to get the maximum marks.
Best of Luck for your Exams.
1) What do you mean by research design? Explain essentials for good research designs.
3) What is Descriptive Research? Explain its main characteristics.
4) Explain the steps involved in research process.
5) What is casual research? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
6) What is Hypothesis? Describe its main features.
7) What is exploratory research? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
8) What is sample size? Explain the factors to be considered while deciding sample size.
9) Distinguish between probability and non-probability sampling
10) Explain the steps in research design.
Short notes
1) Pure research.2) Applied research.
3) Characteristics of a good research.
4) Merits of snowball sampling.
5) Objectives of research.
1) What is primary data? Explain the merits of primary data.
2) What is secondary data? Explain its significance.
3) Distinguish between primary and secondary data.
4) Explain the source of data collection.
5) Explain the meaning and limitations of secondary data.
6) “Primary data are superior to secondary data”. Justify the statement.
7) Explain the meaning and benefits of experimental of primary data?
8) What is personal interview? Explain the merits and demerits of personal interview method of primary data collection?
9) “Internet survey is more economic and quicker as compared to mail survey”. Explain
10) What is Questionnaire? Explain its advantages in data collection.
Short notes
1) Pure research.2) Applied research.
3) Characteristics of a good research.
4) Merits of snowball sampling.
5) Objectives of research
1) Define the term data processing? Explain the various steps involved in processing of data.
2) What is editing of data? Explain how data is edited.
3) Explain the methods of data classification.
4) What is stipulation of data? Explain its main features.
5) Explain the various types of analysis of data.
6) Explain the essential of interpretation of data.
7) Explain the importance of hypothesis in business.
8) Explain Chi-square test with examples.
Short notes
1) Coding of data.2) Editing of data.
3) Z-test.
4) t-test.
5) Importance of data processing
1) Explain the meaning and functions of report writing.
2) Define research report and state its advantages,
3) What is research reporting? Explain its importance
4) Explain the essentials of a good research report
5) What is graphic presentation? Explain its significance
6) “Report writing is an Art”. Explain.
7) Explain the foot notes of Bibliography
8) Explain the professional ethics in marketing research
9) What is ethics? Explain the ethical standards in research.
10) What is Plagiarism? Explain is it harmful.
Short notes
1) Types of reports.2) Plagiarism.
3) Layout of research report.
4) Essential of a good report.
5) Footnotes and Bibliography.
My Dear Students,
The questions given in the QUESTION BANK are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely only on these questions. Students should also refer other questions to get the maximum marks.
Best of Luck for your Exams.
Unit 1Answer the following questions.
1. Define Production Management. Explain the objectives of Production Management.
2. Explain the principles of good plant layout.
3. Explain the objectives and importance of New Product Development.
4. Explain the production system and its characteristics.
5. What is Product Design? Explain the factors influencing design of the product.
6. What is job shop production? What are advantages and limitations?
7. Explain the steps in New Product Development (NPD) Process.
8. What are the factors influencing location decisions?
9. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Line Layout?
10. What are the objectives and characteristics of a good Product Design?
11. Define Purchase Management. Explain the characteristics of Purchase management.
Write note on
a. Product Design.b. Production System
c. New product development
d. Process Design
e. Purchase management
Unit 2
Answer the following questions.
1. Define Material Management. Explain the advantages of Material management.
2. Explain the advantages of Integrated Material Management.
3. Explain any ten principles of Material Handling System.
4. Explain the types of material handling system.
5. Explain the importance of Inventory Management.
6. Explain ABC analysis and its uses.
7. Explain the importance of Material management?
8. Explain the functions of Material Management.
9. What are Inventory Control Techniques?
10. Explain disadvantages of Material Management.
Write note on
a. Integrated Material Management.b. Material Handling System
c. Inventory Management
d. VED analysis
e. GOLF analysis
Unit 3
Answer the following questions.
1. Define Productivity. Explain its importance.
2. Explain the techniques to improve productivity.
3. Distinguish between Production & Productivity.
4. Explain the factors affecting quality.
5. Define Total Quality Management. Explain its principles.
6. Explain the seven essentials steps in the implementation of quality assurance system.
7. Explain the objectives and characteristics of a Quality Circle.
8. Explain the importance of Quality Management.
9. Explain the benefits of Total Quality Management.
Write note on
a. Fishbone analysis.b. Quality assurance c. Quality management
d. Objectives of Quality Circle.
e. productivity
Unit 4
Answer the following questions.
1. Explain the Kepner Tregoe Methodology of problem solving.
2. Explain the features of Six Sigma
3. Explain the Six Sigma Enables.
4. Explain the benefits of ISO 9000.
5. What is Lean thinking? What are the different wastages (Mudas) associated with Lean Management?
6. What are the requirements of ISO 14000? Explain them briefly.
7. Explain Baldrige criteria for Performance Excellence.
8. Explain effectiveness and significance of Deming Grand Prize.
9. Explain the 14 Lean Management principles.
Write note on
a. Lean Thinkingb. ISO 14000
e. ISO 9000
My Dear Students,
The questions given in the QUESTION BANK are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely only on these questions. Students should also refer other questions to get the maximum marks.
Best of Luck for your Exams.