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( Banking & Insurance) – Semester V

Business Ethics & Corporate Governance

Question Bank

Module 1- Introduction to Business Ethics
1. Define Ethics. What are the different Types of Ethics?
2. What is Ethics? Discuss in detail Nature and Importance of Ethics.
3. What is mean by Business Ethics? Discuss in detail Nature and Importance of Business Ethics.
4. What is mean by Functional Ethics? What are the Types of Ethics According to Functions of Business? (I.e. Marketing Ethics, Foreign Trade Ethics and Ethics Relating to Copyright.)
5. Write a Short Note on –
a) Ethics relating to Free and Perfect Competitive Market
b) Areas of Business Ethics
Module 2 - Application of Ethical Theories in Business
6. Discuss in detail Ethical Decision Making.
7. Write a Short Note on –
a) Gandhian Approach In Management And Trusteeship,
b) Ethical Issues in Finance
c) Ethics in Advertising (Truth In Advertising)
8. Elaborate the Importance And Relevance of Trusteeship Principle in Modern Business.
9. Discuss the Ethical Issues in Functional Areas of Business.
Module 3 - Introduction to Corporate Governance
10. Define Corporate Governance. Discuss in detail the Conceptual Framework of Corporate
11. Explain – “ Business Ethics - an important dimension to Corporate Governance”
12. Write a Short Note on –
a) Fair and Unfair Business Practices.
b) Theoretical Basis of Corporate Governance,
c) Good Corporate Governance,
d) Obligations towards Society and Stake holders.
e) OECD, and Emphasis on Corporate Governance (i.e. Transparency Accountability and Empowerment).
13. Discuss in detail the Mechanism of Corporate Governance Systems, Explain the Indian Model of Governance.
14. What are the Theories underlying Corporate Governance? (i.e. Stake holder’s theory and Stewardship theory, Agency theory, Separation of Ownership and Control )
15. Explain the process of Corporate Governance. Discuss in detail the Indian Model of Corporate Governance.
Module 4- Genesis and Implementation of corporate Governance in India
16. Discuss in detail Arthashastra and Good Governance in ancient India,
17. Write a Short Note on –
a) Protection of Interest of Customer and Investors
b) Historical perspective of Corporate Governance and Issues in Corporate Governance
c) Corporate Governance &CSR
d) Family Owned Business
e) SEBI Growth of Corporate Governance
18. What is Values? Discuss in detail the Types Teaching from Scriptures Like Gita, Quran, Bible Value Systems in Business.
19. Discuss in detail the Implementation of Corporate Governance.
Module 5- Global Scenario
20. Discuss in detail Business Ethics in Global Economy.
21. Elaborate the Role of Business Ethics in Building a Civilized Society.
22. Corporate Governance and Issues Related to Scams
23. What is Corruption? What are the Causes and Effects of corruption?
24. Write a Short Note on –
a) Frauds and Scams in Banks
b) Zero Tolerance of Corruption
25. What are the Measures to Overcome Fraud and Corruption?

My Dear Students,
The questions given in the question bank are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely on these questions. Students should also refer the other questions to get the maximum marks.

Best of Luck for your Exams.

Prof. Savita Bodke.
Founder of ScoreAchivers.Com
MMS ( Finance ) , M.Com ( Accountancy ) , M.A. (Economics) , DFM, DBM, DTM, DBF, G.D.C & A, CPCM , NCFM, NISM.

Question Paper Pattern

Q.1 Multiple Choice Question  
Q.1 A) State True or False
(Any Eight out of Ten)
8 Marks
Q.1 B) Match the following
(Any Seven out of Ten)
7 Marks
Q.2 Q. 2 A) (8 Marks)
Q. 2 B) (7 Marks)
Q. 2 C) (8 Marks)
Q. 2 D) (7 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.3 Q. 3 A) (8 Marks)
Q. 3 B) (7 Marks)
Q. 3 C) (8 Marks)
Q. 3 D) (7 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.4 Q. 4 A) (8 Marks)
Q. 4 B) (7 Marks)
Q. 4 C) (8 Marks)
Q. 4 D) (7 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.5 Q. 5 A) (8 Marks)
Q. 5 B) (7 Marks)
Q. 5 Short Notes ( Any 3 out of 5)
Each short note for 5 Marks
15 Marks