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FYB Com Semester II

Commerce I

Question Bank

1. Define Services. Explain the features and classification of services.
2. Discuss the importance of service sector in the Indian context.
3. What are the factors influencing customer expectation of services?
4. What are the elements in marketing mix for service?
5. What are the stages in the new service development cycle?
6. Discuss the strategies for managing capacity and demand.
7. What are the reasons for opportunities in the service sector?
8. Define the term Retailing. Explain the retailing formats in India.
9. Explain the concepts of organized and unorganised retailing. Distinguish between organized and unorganized retailing.
10. What are the factors responsible for growth of retailing in India?
11. What are the survival strategies for unorganized retailing in India?
12. Explain the guidelines to be kept in mind for planning store design and layout.
13. What is Business Process Outsourcing? What are the advantages and disadvantages of BPO?
14. What is Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)? What are its benefits?
15. Describe the advantages and limitations of internet banking.
16. What is E-commerce? What are the functions of E-commerce?
17. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of credit card
18. Discuss the advantages and limitations of online marketing research.
19. What are the challenges faced by Logistics sector in India?
20. Define debit card? Discuss the merits and limitations of a debit card

Write a Short Note on -
a) Legal Process Outsourcing
b) FDI in retailing
c) Enterprise Resource Planning
d) Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
e) Challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the services sector
f) B2C
g) B2B
h) C2C
i) Scope of E-commerce
j) Scope of services
k) Importance of logistic
l) Various activities involved in Mall Management
m) Challenges of Retailing in India
n) Various elements of logistic network
o) Process involved in delivery of services

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The above Question Bank is provided by
Prof. Savita Bodke.
Founder of ScoreAchievers.Com
MMS (Finance), M.Com (Accountancy), M.A (Economics), DFM, DBM, DTM, DBF, CPCM, NCFM, NISM.

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum Marks: 100
Questions to be set: 06
Duration: 03 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.
Question No Particular Marks              

Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10
B) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10

(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the blanks)
20 Marks

Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks

Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks

Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks

Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks

A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 06
To be answered 04
10 Marks
10 Marks

20 Marks
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.