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SYB Com Semester III

Foundation Course

Question Bank

Module I
1. Explain the Constitutional and Legal Rights of women in India.
2. Discuss the Constitutional and Legal Rights of Schedule Caste in India.
3. What are the Constitutional and Legal Rights of Children in India?
4. State the Constitutional and Legal Rights of Elderly in India.
5. Discuss the forms of violation against women in India.
Module II
1. Explain the impact of floods on human life and also discuss the various measures for the protection of floods.
2. What is Disaster Mitigation? Discuss the various objectives of Disaster Mitigation.
3. What are the types of disasters? Explain the social and economic impacts of disaster.
4. Discuss various human rights addressing disasters.
5. Discuss the Physical and Psychological effects of disaster.
Module III
1. Discuss the positive and negative effects of technology on human life.
2. State the Principles and Characteristics of Science.
3. Discuss the development of science in the age of reason and enlightenment.
4. State the difference between Science and Technology.
5. Write a short note on –Role of Technology in Development.
Module IV
1. What are the barriers to effective communication? Discuss the various ways to overcome it.
2. State the purpose and types of Formal and Informal Communication.
3. Discuss the styles and characteristics of effective leadership.
4. Explain the ways and approaches to write SOP.
5. State the importance of Body Language in Communication.

My Dear Students,
The questions given in the question bank are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely on these questions. Students should also refer the other questions to get the maximum marks.

Best of Luck for your Exams.

Question Paper Pattern

Q.1 Multiple Choice Question  
Q.1 A) Select the most appropriate option from the options given below
(Any Ten out of Twelve)
10 Marks
Q.1 B) State whether the following options are True or False
(Any Ten out of Twelve)
10 Marks
Q.2 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – I ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - I ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – I ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.3 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – II ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - II ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – II ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.4 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – III ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - III ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – III ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.5 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.6 Write a Short Notes on - ( Any Four out of Six)
a) Module – I or II or III or IV
b) Module – I or II or III or IV
c) Module – I or II or III or IV
d) Module – I or II or III or IV
e) Module – I or II or III or IV
f) Module – I or II or III or IV
20 Marks