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FYB Com Semester I

Environmental Studies- I

Question Bank

Module -1
1. Discuss the nature and scope of Environment.
2. What are the functions of Ecosystem?
3. What are the components of Ecosystem?
4. What are the importances of environmental studies?
5. Discuss the role of Biotic Components on Ecosystem.
Module -2
1. Explain the concept of sustainable development.
2. What are the factors influencing resource utilization?
3. Write a Short Note on – Conventional Energy Resources.
4. What is Conservation? Discuss in detail various methods of Conservation.
5. Discuss in detail problems associated with management of forest resources.
6. Discuss the types of Resources with suitable examples.
Module -3
1. Discuss in detail the causes of population explosion in India.
2. What are the measures taken by India to control population?
3. Explain in detail- Human Development Index as a Measure of Development.
4. Explain the factors affecting population growth in India.
5. What are the effects of population explosion in India?
Module -4
1. Discuss in detail problems related to migration in urban areas.
2. Discuss in detail degradation of air and water.
3. Write a short note on –
a) Urbanization
b) Emerging of smart cities.
c) Urban crowding and stress on resources.

My Dear Students,
The questions given in the question bank are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely on these questions. Students should also refer the other questions to get the maximum marks.

Best of Luck for your Exams.

Question Paper Pattern

Q.1 Multiple Choice Question  
Q.1 A) Select the most appropriate option from the options given below
(Any Ten out of Twelve)
10 Marks
Q.1 B) State whether the following options are True or False
(Any Ten out of Twelve)
10 Marks
Q.2 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – I ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - I ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – I ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.3 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – II ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - II ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – II ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.4 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – III ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - III ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – III ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.5 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.6 Write a Short Notes on - ( Any Four out of Six)
a) Module – I or II or III or IV
b) Module – I or II or III or IV
c) Module – I or II or III or IV
d) Module – I or II or III or IV
e) Module – I or II or III or IV
f) Module – I or II or III or IV
20 Marks