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SYB Com Semester III


Question Bank

1. Define Advertising. Explain its features.
2. Bring out the evaluation of advertising.
3. Explain the benefits of Advertising to
a) Manufactures or Business Firms.
b) Consumers.
4. Explain the concept of integrated marketing communication by highlighting its features.
5. Describe the various elements of integrated marketing communication.
6. Discuss the role of advertising integrated marketing communication.
7. Explain the classification of advertising on the basis of geographical area and audience.
8. Define Advertising Agency. Explain its features.
9. Explain the organization structure and services of an Advertising agency.
10. Explain the different types of advertising agencies.
11. Explain the criteria for selection of advertising agencies.
12. Write a short note on -
a) Maintaining Agency Client Relationship.
b) Creative Pitch
c) Economic impacts of advertising.
d) Political advertising
e) Green advertising
f) Trends in advertising media
g) Social (Pro Bono) advertising.
h) Effect of advertising on consumer demand.
i) Effect of advertising on consumer prices
j) Different types of advertising agencies
13. What are the career options available in advertising agency?
14. What do you mean by Client Turnover? Explain the different reasons for Client Turnover. Suggest some ways of avoiding Client Turnover.

My Dear Students,
The questions given in the question bank are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely on these questions. Students should also refer the other questions to get the maximum marks.

Best of Luck for your Exams.

Question Paper Pattern

Q.1 Multiple Choice Question  
Q.1 A) Select the most appropriate option from the options given below
(Any Ten out of Twelve)
10 Marks
Q.1 B) State whether the following options are True or False
(Any Ten out of Twelve)
10 Marks
Q.2 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – I ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - I ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – I ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.3 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – II ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - II ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – II ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.4 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – III ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - III ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – III ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.5 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.6 Write a Short Notes on - ( Any Four out of Six)
a) Module – I or II or III or IV
b) Module – I or II or III or IV
c) Module – I or II or III or IV
d) Module – I or II or III or IV
e) Module – I or II or III or IV
f) Module – I or II or III or IV
20 Marks