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SYB Com Semester III

Commerce III

Question Bank

1. Define Management. Explain the nature and functions of Management.
2. Explain the 14 Principles of Management.
3. Write a note on
a) Managerial Skills
b) techniques of Scientific Management
c) Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne Experiments
d) significance of Indian Ethos to Management
e) components of Management Information System
4. Discuss the techniques of Scientific Management.
5. Explain the evaluation of Taylor’s Scientific Management.
6. Explain the Peter Druckter’s dimension of management.
7. What are the steps in planning process?
8. Explain the various components of planning.
9. State the need and importance of planning.
10. Explain the importance of coordination.
11. What is MBO? Explain the steps involved in MBO Process.
12. Discuss the advantages of MBO.
13. What is the Management by Exceptions? Explain its advantages.
14. What are the essentials of sound decision making?
15. Discuss the techniques of decision making.
16. Explain the steps in organizing process.
17. What is Line & Staff Organization? What are the characteristics / features of Line & Staff Organization?
18. What is Matrix Organization? Bring out its features.
19. What do you mean by Virtual Organization? Bring out its features.
20. Distinguish between Formal and Informal Organization.

My Dear Students,
The questions given in the question bank are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely on these questions. Students should also refer the other questions to get the maximum marks.

Best of Luck for your Exams.

Question Paper Pattern

Q.1 Multiple Choice Question  
Q.1 A) Select the most appropriate option from the options given below
(Any Ten out of Twelve)
10 Marks
Q.1 B) State whether the following options are True or False
(Any Ten out of Twelve)
10 Marks
Q.2 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – I ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - I ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – I ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.3 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – II ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - II ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – II ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.4 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – III ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - III ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – III ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.5 Answer any Two out of the Three Questions
a) Module – IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
b) Module - IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
c) Module – IV ( 7. 5 Marks)
15 Marks
Q.6 Write a Short Notes on - ( Any Four out of Six)
a) Module – I or II or III or IV
b) Module – I or II or III or IV
c) Module – I or II or III or IV
d) Module – I or II or III or IV
e) Module – I or II or III or IV
f) Module – I or II or III or IV
20 Marks