Sales and Distribution Management
Question Bank
1. What is Distribution Management? Explain the importance of distribution management.
2. What is Sales Management? Explain the role of sales department.
3. Explain in detail duties/ functions of a sales manager.
4. Explain the various structures of a sales organization.
5. Explain the qualities required by a Sales Manager.
6. Explain the role of Distribution and distribution intermediaries.
1. What is Sales forecasting. Explain the different types/ methods of Sales forecasting.
2. Explain the process of selling/ steps involved in selling.
3. What is Sales Quota? Explain the various types of Sales Quota.
4. Explain the factors to be considered while fixing Sales Quotas.
5. Explain the methods of closing a sale.
6. Define Selling and explain the reasons for unsuccessful closing
7. Explain the different theories of selling.
8. Explain the different types of selling strategies.
9. Explain the skills required by a salesperson.
10. Difference Between: Consumer Selling and Organisational Selling, National Selling and International Selling.
1. Explain the factors affecting the effective management of distribution channels.
2. What are channel conflicts? Explain the types of channel conflicts.
3. Explain the steps for resolving conflict.
4. Explain Kenneth Thomas style of conflict resolution.
5. Explain the need and types of distribution channel.
6. Explain the factors determining the choice of distribution channels.
1. What is Sales Performance? Explain the methods of supervision and control of sales force.
2. Explain the concept of Sales Performance and Sales management Audit.
3. What is Channel Control? Explain in detail different instruments of control.
4. Explain the new trends in sales and distribution management.
5. Explain the concept of KRA in Sales management.
Service Marketing
TYBMS Semester 5
Question Bank
1. Discuss the role of services in modern economy.
2. Define Services. Explain the different strategies to overcome the challenges of services.
3. Explain the Service Marketing Triangle with the help of a diagram.
4. Explain the distinct characteristics of services with an example.
5. Discuss customer involvement and state its types.
6. Explain the importance of People Mix with reference to banking sector.
7. What is service blueprinting? State the advantage of service blueprinting.
8. Explain the objectives and strategies of pricing with reference to service industry.
9. Explain the problems and solution of branding of services.
10. Explain the Gap Model of service quality and state in brief the ways to overcome each gap. OR Explain the different strategies to close Service Quality gaps
11. What is Service Productivity and evaluate the ways to improve the productivity. OR Explain the different Measures to increase productivity in services.
12. Explain SERVQUAL Model with reference to Airline industry.
13. What is Transnational Strategy? What are the factors favoring Transnational Strategy?
14. Explain Service Marketing Trinity with reference to Insurance sector.
15. Explain the different positioning strategies adopted by the service Industry.
16. Explain extended 'P's with reference to the Tourism sector.
17. Explain the different components of service blueprint with the help of diagram.
18. Explain the different option available for service delivery with an example.
19. Explain the different dimensions of Service Quality with reference to Education Sector.
20. Explain the elements of Transnational Marketing strategies with reference to Service
21. Explain the recent Trends in Banking Sector with reference to Innovation.
22. Explain the various unethical issues with reference to Service Marketing with suitable examples.
My Dear Students,
The questions given in the question bank are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely on these questions. Students should also refer the other questions to get the maximum marks.
Best of Luck for your Exams.