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Question Bank - Sem II

Q1a) Give the meaning of the following terms in brief. (From all units):
  1. Write a note on menu. Different types of menu
  2. Write a note on high tea. & tea services
  3. Plan a three course continental / Indian menu with cover and accompaniment.
  4. Give accompaniments for the courses
  5. Explain parts Cigars.
  6. Write a note on Ice creams.
  7. 17 French classical menu with explanation and example
  8. Draw a neat chart for non-alcoholic beverages.
  9. Explain Tisanes and Herbal Tea.
  10. Name 5 Indian brand Tea and 5 Indian Brand Coffee.
  11. Distinguish Between K.O.T & B.O.T
  12. Write a note on Double K.O.T. / Triple
  13. Draw a Specimen of K.O.T / B.O.T
  14. Write a note on Spa Menu.
  15. Write in detail about Breakfast Service and types.
  16. Basic types of menu a la carte table hote………
  17. Explain types of meal.
  18. menu planning & objectives
  19. Draw a neat chart for non-alcoholic beverages.
  20. Write a note on Coffee / Tea Processing
  21. Write a note on Beverages / mocktails
  22. Specialty coffees
  23. Glossary terms as per syllabus
  24. Simple control systems
  25. Note on cigars and cigarettes
  26. Table reservation system
  27. Accompaniment

Roast Tukery
Roast beef
Roast pork
Irish stew
Roast lamb

My Dear Students,
The questions given in the QUESTION BANK are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely only on these questions. Students should also refer other questions to get the maximum marks.

Best of Luck for your Exams.