UNIT 11. Explain the link between Strategic Planning and HRP through People, Finance and Technology.
2. Explain the meaning by HR Supply Forecasting and its factors.
3. Explain succession planning. State the steps in succession planning.
4. Explain HR Demand Forecasting and its factors.
5. Explain human resource planning and its features.
6. Explain the link between Strategic Planning and HRP through People, Finance and Technology.
7. Explain the meaning of HR Supply forecasting and its factors.
8. Explain the meaning of Succession Planning and the steps in succession planning.
9. Explain the different types of HRP.
10. Explain the meaning of Strategic Human Resource Planning and its objectives.
11. Explain the steps involved in HRP.
12. Explain the meaning of HR policy and its importance.
13. Explain the techniques of HR supply forecasting.
Write a note:
i. Factors affecting Human Resource Demand Forecasting.ii. Demand forecasting
iii. Strategic HRP
iv. Features of HRP
v. Supply Forecasting
1. Explain the ethical issues in recruitment and selection.
2. Explain employee retention and the retention strategies used in organization.
3. Explain the concept of downsizing and state the reasons for the same.
4. State the different objectives of Human Resource Audit.
5. Explain recruitment. State the various factors affecting recruitment.
6. State the different objectives of Human Resource Audit.
7. Explain the features of Job Design.
8. Explain Employee selection test and its advantage.
9. Explain Job analysis and its advantage.
10. Explain employee retention and used in organizations.
11. Explain some of the flexible work practices in contemporary in organizations.
Write a note:
i. Job Analysisii. Techniques of Employee Retention.
iii. Concept of Downsizing
iv. Areas of HRA
v. HRA
vi. Factors affecting Recruitment.
1. Explain the importance of career management process.
2. Explain the importance of management training and development.
3. Explain the importance of measuring the return on investment in HR.
4. State the steps involved in the HRP evaluation process.
5. Write a Short note on out sourcing and its impact on HRP.
6. Explain the impact of globalization on the HRP process.
7. Explain the issues involved in the HRP evaluation process.
8. How does outsourcing affect the process of HRP?
9. Explain the different types of power that an HRP practitioner possesses.
10. Explain the importance of multi-skill development.
11. Explain Outsourcing and its impact on HRP.
12. Explain organizational restricting and its impact on HRP process.
13. Explain the meaning of multi-skill development.
14. Explain the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the process of HRP.
Write a note:
i. Career management processii. HRP
iii. Impact on HRP
iv. Outsourcing on HRP
v. Issues in HRP Evaluation
1. Explain the benefits of HRIS.
2. Explain the security issues in HRIS.
3. Explain the usage of data to HR managers.
4. Write a detailed note on HRIS for HRP.
5. Explain the advantage and disadvantage of HRIS.
6. Explain the barriers in effective implementation of HRIS.
7. Explain the meaning of HRIS and its features.
8. Explain the steps in designing of HRIS.
9. Explain the limitations of HRIS.
10. Explain the usage of data to HR managers.
Write a note:
i. Barriers in effective Implementation of HRISii. Components of HRIS
iii. Limitation of HRIS.
iv. Trends in HRIS.
v. Functions of HRIS
vi. Mechanisms of HRIS
Unit 1-Training and Development1. Define training. Explain its scope.
2. Explain the objectives of training.
3. Explain the features of training.
4. Briefly explain the steps in training programme.
5. Explain the steps involved in making the training programme effective.
6. Explain the methods of assessment of training needs.
Unit 2-Organisational Development
1. Define organizational development. Explain its features
2. What is the need and importance of organizational development?
3. Explain in brief human performance improvement.
4. Explain the counseling techniques with references to employee, society and organization
5. Explain succession planning
6. Explain career development
Unit 3-Management Development Program
1. Write a note on evaluation of Management Development Programme
2. Explain the concept of Management Development Programme
3. Explain the characteristics of Management Development Programme
4. Explain the process of Management Development Programme
5. Importance of Management Development Programme
6. Explain methods of Management Development Programme
Unit 4-Performance Measurement-Appraisals, Pitfalls and Ethics of Appraisal
1. Explain the various categories of performance measurement
2. Define performance appraisal. How can be the data derived from the performance appraisal be used for productive purpose
3. Suggest guidelines to make MBO method more successful
4. Explain the pitfalls of performance measurement
5. Explain the ethics involved in the process of performance appraisal
6. Explain talent management
7. Explain the future of talent management
8. Explain global talent management
9. Bring out the objectives of knowledge management
10. Explain the steps of knowledge management cycle