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A. Explain the following in detail (5 marks each):

1. Evolution of HRM
2. Work life balance
4. HR audits
5. Importance of job analysis
6. Induction and orientation
7. MBO as a method of doing appraisals
8. Transfers
9. Promotion policies in organizations
10. Absenteeism in organizations
11. Employee turnover
12. HRD
13. On the job training
14. External sources of recruitment
15. Preamble to the Indian Constitution
16. Contract of bailment
17. General duties of the occupier
18. Fundamental rights
19. Rights and duties of a bailor
20. Limitations of appraisals

B. Full length questions for HRM (5 marks each):

1. Define the term HRM. Explain the importance of HRM in today’s dynamic world.
2. What does one mean by the term HRM? How did HRM evolve?
3. What are the major challenges faced by the HR manager today?
4. What efforts do modern managers take to bring about work life balance of the employees?
5. How do organisations deal with workforce diversity?
6. What is human resource planning? Explain the process of human resource planning.
7. What is job analysis? Why is it important from the point of view of an organization?
8. Distinguish between job description and job specification.
9. Explain the terms job rotation, job enrichment and job enlargement.
10. Explain the various factors to be considered before designing jobs?
11. Explain the merits and demerits of external and internal sources of recruitment.
12. What do you mean by the term recruitment? Explain the various sources of recruitment available to a company internally.
13. Distinguish between recruitment and selection. Explain the various external sources of recruitment.
14. What is selection? Briefly explain the process of selection.
15. What is the importance of orientation and induction in case of new employees?
16. Explain any 5 types of employee training methods.
17. Explain any 5 human errors that can interfere in the success of an appraisal process.
18. What are the various methods of appraising employees in organizations?
19. Define the term appraisal. Explain its uses in organizations today.
20. What is promotion? What are the basis of promotion?
21. What is absenteeism? What are the causes of employee absenteeism?
22. What is the need for and purpose of conducting an HR audit?

C. Full length questions for Law (5 marks each):

1. Define the term law and explain the various sources of Indian Law.
2. Explain the fundamental duties of an Indian citizen.
3. What are the essentials of a valid contract?
4. Explain the differences between Contract of Indemnity and Contract of Guarantee.
5. What are the rights and duties of an agent towards his principal?
6. What are the rights and duties of a principal towards his agent?
7. What are the rights and duties of a bailer?
8. What are the main objectives of the Consumer Protection Act? Define the term consumer under the provisions of this Act.
9. List the powers of a food inspector under this The Prevention of Food and Adulteration Act.
10. Explain the meaning of the term adulteration under Food and Adulteration Act.
11. What are the causes and effects of industrial disputes?
12. Explain the major and minor punishments and penalties meted out to an employee under the Industrial Disputes Act.
13. Define the term standing order. List out its content.
14. What is the procedure for disciplinary action under Standing Orders Act?
15. What are the provisions for registration of establishments under the Shops and Establishments Act?
16. Define the word shop and commercial establishment under Bombay Shops and Establishment Act?
17. What are the provisions relating to opening and closing hours of hotels, restaurants and eating houses under Bombay Shops and Establishment Act?
18. Write a short note on preamble of Indian Constitution.
19. Explain any 5 fundamental rights guaranteed under the Indian Constitution.
20. Write a short note on the aims and objectives of Consumer Protection Act 1986.
21. Explain the term misbranding and labelling under Prevention of Food and Adulteration Act.
22. Explain the general duties of the occupier under the Factories Act 1948
23. Explain the health and safety provisions required under the Factories Act 1948.
24. Explain the welfare provisions under the Factories Act 1948.

D. Definitions for Law (1 mark each):

1. Proposal
2. Acceptance
3. Consideration
4. Contract of indemnity
5. Contract of guarantee
6. Agent
7. Principal
8. Occupier
9. Strike
10. Lockout
11. Bailment
12. Complaint
13. Adulterant
14. Deficiency
15. Defect
16. Standing order

My Dear Students,
The questions given in the QUESTION BANK are the most important questions. The students are advised not to fully rely only on these questions. Students should also refer other questions to get the maximum marks.

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