Unit 11. Explain the importance of Financial System in economic development.
2. What is Financial Innovation? Explain the types of financial innovation.
3. Explain the various challenges faced by the financial sector?
4. Explain the role of government in development of Indian Financial System.
5. What are financial services? Explain the characteristics of Financial Services?
6. Explain the various Functions of Financial System?
7. Explain the constituents of Indian Financial System.
8. Explain Non-Fund Based Financial Services.
9. Explain the various disadvantages of Microfinance?
10. Explain Grameen Bank model and its flaws.
Write note on
a. Self Help Groups.b. Financial Innovation
c. Grameen Bank model
d. Capital Market
e. Financial system
Unit 2
1. Explain the power and functions of SEBI
2. Explain Ministry of Finance.
3. Explain various power and functions of IRDA.
4. What are Financial Institutions? Explain its functions.
5. What are Merchant Banks? Explain the services offered by Merchant Banks.
6. Explain LIC. What are the objectives of LIC?
7. Explain the various functions and objectives of Industrial Finance Corporation of India.
8. Explain the various functions and objectives of State Finance Corporation.
9. Explain the various functions and objectives of Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India.
Write note on
a. Small Industries Development Bank of Indiab. Industrial Development Bank of India.
c. Companies Act, 1956
e. Export Import Bank of India
Unit 3
1. Define Money Market. Explain the features of Money Market.
2. Explain the meaning and function of Stock Exchange.
3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Derivatives.
4. Define Capital market. Explain the factors responsible for the growth of capital market in India.
5. Who are the various participants in money market?
6. What is BSE On-Line-Trading? Explain its functions.
7. Explain the services offered by Merchant Bankers.
8. What is Capital Market? Explain in detail the instruments of Capital Market.
9. Explain the features of Mutual Fund.
10. Explain the characteristics of insurance.
11. Explain the need and Purpose of insurance.
12. What is Mutual Fund? Explain the functions of Mutual funds.
13. Distinguish between Forwards and Futures Contract.
14. Explain the need and purpose of insurance for business and society
Write note on
a. Bombay Stock Exchange.b. American Depository Receipt.
c. Indian Commodity Exchange.
d. Reforms in Capital Market
e. Close ended fund
f. Classification of Capital Market
g. National Commodity and Derivates Exchange.
h. Market-Based System
Unit 4
1. Explain the characteristics off well-functioning financial system.
2. What are the strategies for dealing with conflict?
3. What are the Dimension of well-functioning financial systems?
4. Explain market based system. What are its advantages?
5. Explain dimensions of a well-functioning financial system
6. Explain in brief about Japanese Financial System.
7. Explain the structure of German banking system.
Write note on
a. Bank oriented systemb. Stock holder conflict
c. Financial System in USA
d. Financial System in UK
Auditing - Question Bank
Unit 11. Explain in brief the different types of Errors.
2. Explain Fraud and the different types of Frauds.
3. Explain Teeming and Landing
4. Distinguish between Accounting and Auditing.
5. Distinguish between Investigation and Auditing.
6. Explain Interim Audit and its advantages and disadvantages.
7. Explain primary and secondary objects of Auditing
8. Explain Interim audit & its advantages and disadvantages.
9. Explain Window Dressing. What are the objections against it?
10. Explain objectives of auditing and the basic principles of auditing.
11. Explain the concept of True and Fair View.
12. Explain different types of Frauds. What are the duties of an auditor in respect of frauds.
13. Explain –secret reserves affect and window dressing.
Write a Note:
1. Statutory audit2. Errors of commission
3. Interim Audit
4. Types of Frauds
5. Feature of Auditing
6. Manipulation of Records
7. Secret Reserve
Unit 2
1. What steps should be taken by the auditor before commencement of audit?
2. Explain Audit programme and its advantage and disadvantage.
3. Explain Audit Programme. What are the essentials of Audit Programme?
4. Explain Audit Programme. What factors should the auditor consider while developing audit programme?
5. Distinguish between Principles of Audit and Techniques of Audit.
6. Explain “Current File”. Give Example of its contents
7. Explain Audit Note Book and its contents.
8. List any 4 types of substantive audit procedures.
9. Distinguish between Internal Audit Evidence and External Audit Evidence.
10. What do you mean by the term –Audit Note?
11. Explain in brief- Risk of Under- Reliance.
12. Explain “Permanent Audit File” Give examples of its content.
Write a Note:
1. Contents of audit notebook2. Precaution of audit programme.
3. Inspection as a audit technique.
4. Essential of audit programme
5. Audit planning
Unit 3
1. Explain Test Checking and the advantages and disadvantages of Test Checking
2. Explain Routine Checking in a Auditing.
3. Explain the term “Internal Control” and its objectives.
4. In audit what do you mean by Test Check Method of checking? What precaution should be taken by the auditor so that standard of audit can be maintained by checking selected item of similar nature?
5. Write the duties of an auditor in respect of internal check.
6. Explain Internal Control. What are the duties of an auditor relating to internal control?
7. Explain Test Check and its advantages and limitations in auditing.
8. Distinguish between Internal Audit and Statutory Audit.
9. Explain audit note-book and write its contents. How does it differ from “Working Paper?”
10. What is test checking in auditing? Explain its objectives.
11. Distinguish between Audit of accounts of Partnership Firm and a Limited Company.
Write a Note:
1. Letter of Weakness2. Internal Control
3. Internal check
4. Test checking
5. Auditing depth
Unit 4
1. Define Audit Sampling. Explain the method of selecting sample items.
2. Explain the term “voucher” and the importance of vouching in the audit.
3. How would you vouch-(i) Advertisement Expenses (ii) Cash Sales?
4. How would you vouch the following: (a) Cash Purchases (b) Dividend Income?
5. Explain the term vouching and the objectives of vouching.
6. Explain the meaning and objectives of Verification.
7. Explain Vouching and the objectives of vouching? How would you vouch rent received?
8. Explain Audit sampling and the method of selecting sample items.
9. How would you vouch the following: (i) Advertisement Expenditure (ii) Interest Earned?
10. Explain the term Valuation. How is valuation of assets and liabilities importance in auditing?
11. Describe the different basis on which different assets are valued.
12. What is the process of physical stock taking?
Write a note:
1. Verification2. Verification of unsecured loan
3. Principles of Verification
4. Checking Entry in Books
5. Inventory
6. Points to be considered in vouching
7. Procedure of stock-trading
8. Objectives of Valuation of assets
9. Types of Mortgages
Business Economics
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Business Research Method
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